home gyms

5 Reasons to Build a Home Gym in 2025

Have you ever considered building a home gym but kept putting it off?

With the rising popularity of home workouts and the increasing cost of gym memberships, 2025 is the perfect year to invest in your own fitness space. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or just starting your fitness journey, having a home gym offers unmatched convenience, flexibility, and long-term savings.

Still unsure? Here are five compelling reasons why you should make this the year you build your dream home gym.

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home gyms

The traditional gym model is no longer enough to keep your employees engaged in health!

An investment in the wellbeing of your employees is an investment in the company itself. Taking a proactive approach to employee health will help increase productivity and creativity within the workplace.

It creates a more attractive working environment and a happier, healthier workforce. However, the struggle of including a gym membership is real, as not all employees are gym goers or see value of this benefit.

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home gyms

The 8 Best Pieces of Exercise Equipment to Buy in 2024

From resistance bands to Rowers, here’s what you need to workout from the comfort of your own home in 2024.

Remember what at-home workouts once looked like? Stepping up and down on the command of an on-screen, over-enthusiastic instructor in our sitting rooms, and rocking back and forth on an abs roller.

Thankfully, fitness kit has come on leaps and bounds since then, and effective exercise is 100% achievable outside of a gym environment.

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home gyms

Creating the perfect Home Gym

Exercise is high priority on most New Year’s resolutions lists, but over the last decade people have turned more to home fitness because exercising in gyms may come with added frustrations.

Travel to and from the gym, waiting on a piece of equipment, membership fees, shared shower facilities, music choice, organising childcare.

Having access to your online or in-person personal trainer in your very own bespoke gym, in the comfort of your own home will crush any excuses you could possibly think of for not working out!

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home gyms

Why Vitamins Are Important

Vitamins and minerals are necessary for your well-being. Your body needs a certain amount of each of the essential nutrients to function optimally.

The common catch-cry of the fitness world is that vitamins and minerals are adequately available from our food. It's hard to appreciate the credibility of this advice, when it is delivered from a profession that receives negligible nutrition training.

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home gyms

Recovery Tools

move with more freedom and less pain.

Recovery should be a large part of any fitness training program and currently the market is being saturated with recovery tools, such as foam rollers, trigger point therapy balls and percussion guns.

All designed to give your muscles and connective tissue a little TLC with Myofascial release. A physical therapy technique that addresses sensitivity in the connective tissue called fascia that surrounds and supports every muscle in your body.

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home gyms

Feel good fitness

The full impact of covid-19 and subsequent lockdowns has on mental health is yet to be fully understood, but It’s no secret that exercise makes you feel good.

Exercise has been scientifically proven to help reduce feelings of depression, anxiety and stress which isn’t that surprising when you consider how you felt the last time you did some exercise!

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home gyms

Is technology key to unlocking your winter training for summer success?

Building and maintaining your cardiovascular fitness throughout the winter months can be an arduous and appreciably tough exercise but if you stay motivated you’re sure to come out the other side much stronger and fitter.

It’s easy to lose motivation when the days get shorter, darker and colder but, if you want to maintain your fitness and weight during the winter months, it’s important that you keep the momentum going.

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home gyms

Permissions to run a PT business from home

(3/3) Following on from our last blog 3 Steps to the perfect at-home personal training business

If you have read our previous two blogs in this series (click the links above to read!) you may be getting very excited about the prospect of running a personal training business from your home.

But before you rush in and get yourself a swanky new garden gym or convert your garage, it’s important to be aware that you may need to get permission from different authorities before starting out.

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home gyms

3 Steps to the perfect at-home personal training business

(2/3) Following on from our last blog setting up a personal training facility

We wanted to give you 3 steps to starting an at-home fitness business
There’s a saying amongst entrepreneurs and especially fitness industry “treps”.  Just do it.  Don’t let anyone talk you out of doing it, just get on with it.

I for one totally agree with this philosophy,  I mean you only live once right?

But just because you have the initiative to give it a go, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have a plan or indeed do your research first.

The following 3 steps to starting your home PT business are common sense steps supported by real life scenarios

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home gyms

How easy is it to set up your own Personal Training facility?

(1/3) A lot of personal trainers and fitness professionals dream about setting up their own facility. Whether it’s a Personal Training Studio, or a fully stocked Boutique Fitness Studio, there are clearly some pretty hefty costs involved. So is it viable ? – This is the first of a three part series that will hopefully help answer just that!

When I first started out as a Personal Trainer twenty years ago it was seen as an indulgence only for the rich or famous!

Now, it is much more common place as people want to achieve results more quickly and safely.

In the UK alone there are 69,000 personal trainers, according to Statista – that’s an increase of 12,000 in just two years!! Which may be partly related to the increase in budget gyms making in house PT more of a commodity than luxury.

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home gyms

Workplace wellness

When Google opened up in the 90s it took a unique approach to employee satisfaction. In an age of monotonous workdays, they added a workplace wellness program.

Their philosophy was that to get the best talent, they had to make their office a place people wanted to work. Exercising brought employees together, improved morale, and made them more productive.

Fitness today is a vital component of daily life and at HGS we focus on providing you with a completely bespoke facility design and online coaching service so you and your colleagues can work within your workspace or on the road to reap the many benefits this investment can encourage

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home gyms

The 8 Best Pieces of Exercise Equipment to Buy in 2019

From resistance bands to Rowers, here’s what you need to workout from the comfort of your own home in 2019.

Remember what at-home workouts once looked like? Stepping up and down on the command of an on-screen, over-enthusiastic instructor in our sitting rooms, and rocking back and forth on an abs roller. Thankfully, fitness kit has come on leaps and bounds since then, and effective exercise is 100% achievable outside of a gym environment.

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home gyms

Become superhero Fit at home!

To be considered FIT in today’s society, you have to become a bit of a superhero.

You need to be able to Jump, Lift, Run, Row, Climb, and Flex.

Growing up, I loved BATMAN the genius billionaire, trained by ninjas, who was strong, agile and fast. Elements of fitness that we can train and develop to the point that, for a brief moment, we can feel super, too.

Recent fitness trends has changed the way we now Train. Long gone are the gyms full of machines and a member base with their eye on being the next Mr Olympia!

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home gyms

Turn your Garage into a home gym

When you clear the mess and get everything else neatly tucked away in storage boxes and shelving you may discover you have substantially more space than you need?

So if you’re not planning to use it to house the car, (let's face it who does?) then maybe your garage could be used for a gym space!

Having a gym at home is perfect if you have ever tried to skip a trip to the local gym because ‘it’s raining’ or you want to avoid the rush hour traffic.

Described below, are a few things to consider when turning you standard garage into your very own home gym:

Obviously, the type of workout you do and fitness you want to obtain will dictate to the type of equipment you wish to purchase. The size of your garage will also play a huge part too, if you’re lucky enough to have a two-car garage then you have the perfect space to create an amazing gym at home for you and up to 4 people to train at once. Great for motivation!

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home gym

8 Reasons to invest in a home gym

Have you grown sick of the hustle, bustle, and sweat – stained walls of the typical commercial gym?

Do you find the travel time associated with getting to and from your local gym affects the amount of sessions you can get in each week?

Are you simply fed up of paying through the nose for facilities that you have to share with others?

If you answered yes to any one of the above questions, it may be the time to consider creating your very own personal gym at home.

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